
The healing ripples of Restorative Practices with
Margaret Thorsborne

Margaret Thorsborne speaks about the power of Restorative Practices to heal trauma and relationships – far beyond a check-box exercise.

Becoming a Trauma-informed Restorative Educator with Joe Brummer and Margaret Thorsborne

Join Katie and Justin as they chat with Joe Brummer and Margaret Thorsborne, authors of Building a Trauma-Informed Restorative School, and their upcoming book Becoming a Trauma-Informed Restorative Educator!

Becoming a Trauma-informed Restorative Educator: Practical Skills to Change Culture and Behavior


Becoming a Trauma-Informed Restorative Educator


Relationship Restoration Podcast:
How Do We Repair Harm? – With Marg Thorsborne

Restorative practice builds the health and wellbeing of communities. Denise talks to Marg Thorsborne about how we can repair harm and restore relationships to maintain strong communities. Learn an effective alternative to punishment that supports wellbeing.

RJI podcast: Marg Thorsborne interviewed by Lisa Rea

Pete Hall from Network for Learning New Zealand Interviews Margaret Thorsborne

Restorative Practice as an Alternative to Traditional Behaviour Management.

Follow Margaret on Twitter

RT @TracyWesterman: Australia spends a billion dollars a year on locking up children - with no evidence it makes society safer - NITV https…

'What does the evidence really show? [...] After analysing 15 years of data on immigration inflows and crime rates across 216 regions in 23 European countries, we found no significant link between immigration levels and crime rates.'

When you get angry, it is hard to focus on anything else than what made you angry. Positive emotions generally have the opposite effect, enhancing and opening your focus to see the bigger picture.

This podcast was done back in early November when @JoeBrummer was actually in Australia and at home with me after the wonderful Trauma Aware Schools Conference in Brisbane.

You can find it here:
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/restorative-justice-on-the-rise/id918262205
Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7x7tE5xX9bYBAgRgpolKn9

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